Friday, April 9, 2010

Crazy for lace!

I've always been a sucker for lace. Steve and I took a trip to so. Cal and cleaned out his grandmas house. Everywhere, I mean everywhere there was lace. On the couches, on the beds, nightstands, tables everywhere you looked there was lace. I brought it home, washed it and hung it out to dry. A beautiful sight indeed!! The lace is amazing. With tears in my eyes I am packing it up and sending it to Steves mom to enjoy, so sad to see it go.

Messenger bag I added a piece of thrifted vintage lace to .( no it's not Ya ya's lace) A fun summer bag! I'm just here lovin the lace!

1 comment:

Just be...... said...

Oooooh the things we could do with all that...but alas we'll never see it again.